Entrance scholarships

Scholarships allow us to celebrate and recognize your achievements! Entrance scholarships are available if you're starting full-time first-year degree studies and are beginning university or college for the first time.

Scholarships are awarded primarily on academic and personal achievement. Bursaries, another type of assistance, are awarded based on financial need.

Scholarships are normally awarded in mid-May once we receive updated grades from Ontario high schools. Details will be listed in your Waterloo Quest account starting in mid-May.

President's Scholarships

To recognize your outstanding academic achievement, you'll be awarded one of the following entrance scholarships if you're admitted to a full-time, first-year degree program and you're beginning university or college for the first time in September.

No application is required.

President's Scholarship of Distinction (average of 95% or higher)


  • $2,000 entrance scholarship
  • $1,500 International Experience Award* and/or
  • $1,500 Research Award*


  • Your early May admission average, including required courses, must be 95% or higher for the program for which you’ve received and accepted an offer of admission.
  • You must accept your Offer of Admission by the date specified on the offer.
  • You must be enrolled at Waterloo in full-time degree studies for the entire September to December term.


The $1,500 International Experience Award will be awarded to Distinction Scholars who participate in an international study or work experience.

The $1,500 Research Award will be awarded to Distinction Scholars for an on-campus research position with a Waterloo professor or for a research-based co-op position with the University. You will be invited to find a Waterloo professor to engage you as a full- or part-time research assistant for a term to carry out research under his or her supervision.

Both the International Experience Award and the Research Award are available in your upper years should you choose to claim them. They're subject to the following conditions.

  • You must complete your first year with an average of at least 80%.
  • You must be in your second year or higher at Waterloo.
  • You must claim the award before you complete your undergraduate program.

How you'll be notified

If you qualify, you’ll receive scholarship information with your Offer of Admission in Quest.

  • If you receive a scholarship before May, you must meet all the conditions specified above. Once we’ve reviewed your grades available in early May, we’ll confirm your University of Waterloo President’s or Merit Scholarship. You will be able to view the scholarship information in Quest.
  • If you receive your scholarship offer in May, we will already have reviewed your grades available in early May. You must still meet all other conditions specified above.

In late July, you’ll receive an email with information about how to use the award to help pay your tuition and fees.

President's Scholarship (average of 90 - 94.9%)

If you meet the conditions outlined below, you’ll be awarded a one-time University of Waterloo President’s Scholarship valued at $2,000.

  • Your early May admission average, including required courses, must be 90 - 94.9% for the program for which you’ve received and accepted an Offer of Admission.
  • You must accept your Offer of Admission by the date specified on the offer.
  • You must be enrolled at Waterloo in full-time degree studies for the entire September to December term.

How you'll be notified

If you qualify, you’ll receive scholarship information with your Offer of Admission in Quest.

  • If you receive a scholarship before May, you must meet all the conditions specified above. Once we’ve reviewed your grades available in early May, we’ll confirm your University of Waterloo President’s or Merit Scholarship. You will be able to view the scholarship information in Quest.
  • If you receive your scholarship offer in May, we will already have reviewed your grades available in early May. You must still meet all other conditions specified above.

In late July, you’ll receive an email with information about how to use the award to help pay your tuition and fees.

Merit Scholarship (average of 85 - 89.9%)

If you meet the conditions outlined below, you’ll be awarded a one-time University of Waterloo Merit Scholarship valued at $1,000.

  • Your early May admission average, including required courses, must be 85 - 89.9% for the program for which you’ve received and accepted an Offer of Admission.
  • You must accept your Offer of Admission by the date specified on the offer.
  • You must be enrolled at Waterloo in full-time degree studies for the entire September to December term.

How you'll be notified

If you qualify, you’ll receive scholarship information with your Offer of Admission in Quest.

  • If you receive a scholarship before May, you must meet all the conditions specified above. Once we’ve reviewed your grades available in early May, we’ll confirm your University of Waterloo President’s or Merit Scholarship. You will be able to view the scholarship information in Quest.
  • If you receive your scholarship offer in May, we will already have reviewed your grades available in early May. You must still meet all other conditions specified above.

In late July, you’ll receive an email with information about how to use the award to help pay your tuition and fees.

President's and Merit Scholarships – eligibility and conditions

  • Your admission average will be calculated based on grades available in early May using your top 6 Grade 12 courses or equivalents, including each of the required courses for the program(s) to which you’ve applied.
  • If you receive an Offer of Admission to more than one program, your admission average may qualify you for a President's or Merit Scholarship in one program but not another because your admission average must include required courses, which vary from program to program.
  • If your early May admission average is below 85% but your final admission average is 85% or higher, you will be awarded the appropriate President’s or Merit Scholarship. You'll be notified after we've received final grades in July.
  • To receive the full value of the entrance scholarship, you must remain enrolled in full-time degree studies at Waterloo for the full 4-month fall term (September to December).

Note: This scholarship program pertains to admission to the University of Waterloo only and is not applicable at Renison University College or St. Jerome’s University, who offer their own scholarships.

Scholarships by faculty/program

Not sure which faculty offers your program of interest? View programs listed by faculty.

International, Black, and Indigenous students as well as students applying to STEM programs are eligible for additional scholarships ranging up to $120,000. These require an application.

Faculty of Arts

No application

Eligible programs Value Criteria

Honours Arts*

Honours Arts and Business*

Global Business and Digital Arts

  • Three at $10,000 over eight academic terms
  • One at $5,000 over eight academic terms
  • Several ranging between $1,000 and $3,000
Academic performance

An application is not required

*Includes the 28 majors within the Faculty of Arts.

If you’re admitted to the Faculty of Arts and choose Renison University College or St. Jerome’s University as your academic home (by co-registering), any scholarships will be awarded by Renison or St. Jerome’s.

Accounting and Financial Management, Sustainability and Financial Management

Value Criteria
  • One at approximately $57,000 over eight academic terms (normally the length of your degree)
  • Several scholarships ranging between $1,000 and $7,500

An application is not required.

Faculty of Engineering, including Architecture

Programs: all Engineering programs, Software Engineering, and Architecture

Eligible programs Value Criteria
Architecture Several at $1,000 - $2,500
  • Academic performance, interview, portfolio review

An application is not required.

All Engineering programs

Several at $10,000 over eight academic terms (normally the length of your degree)

Several at $1,000 to $5,000 for one year

An application is not required.

International students in all Engineering programs

Several at $10,000 for one year

International students admitted to full-time, first-year studies in Architecture, Engineering, or Software Engineering who are studying on an international study permit. An application is not required.
All Engineering programs

One at $20,000

An application is not required.

Software Engineering

One at $15,000 over eight academic terms (normally the length of your degree)

Several at $4,000 for one year

An application is not required.

Black and Indigenous Students in any all Engineering programs Up to five awards, valued at $5,000 each

An application is required by April 15.

Faculty of Environment


  • Climate and Environmental Change
  • Environment and Business
  • Environment, Resources and Sustainability
  • Geography and Aviation
  • Geography and Environmental Management
  • Geomatics
  • Knowledge Integration
  • Planning
Scholarship Eligible programs Value Criteria
Jean Andrey Environment Leadership Scholarship All programs (including Sustainability and Financial Management) One valued at up to $7,500 for one year

Academic performance (minimum 85% admission average)

Demonstrated interest and/or passion for all environmental issues.

An application is required by April 15.

Dean of Environment’s Scholarship for Excellence All programs (excluding Sustainability and Financial Management) Several at $7,500 for one year

Academic performance (minimum 85% admission average)

Demonstrated interest and/or passion for environmental issues.

An application is required by April 15.

Faculty of Environment Entrance Scholarships All programs (excluding Sustainability and Financial Management) $4,000 for one year (including a President’s Scholarship of Distinction valued at $2,000) Early May admission average of 95.0% or above

An application is not required.

Faculty of Environment Entrance Scholarships All programs (excluding Sustainability and Financial Management) $3,000 for one year (including a President’s Scholarship valued at $2,000) Early May admission average of 90.0% to 94.9%

An application is not required.

Faculty of Environment Student Engagement Award All programs (excluding Sustainability and Financial Management) Up to 10 awards valued at $4,000 each for one year

Academic performance (minimum 85% admission average)

Demonstrated interest in sustainability-related activities in your community.

An application is required by April 15.

Other entrance scholarships All programs (excluding Sustainability and Financial Management) Several from $500 to $4,000

Academic performance

An application is required by April 15.

Faculty of Health


  • Health Sciences
  • Kinesiology
  • Public Health
  • Recreation and Leisure Studies (for the Recreation, Leadership and Health; Sport and Recreation Management; and Therapeutic Recreation majors)
Scholarship Eligible Programs Value Criteria
Lyle S. Hallman Entrance Scholarship All Health programs Three scholarships, valued at up to $2,500 each
  • Academic performance
  • Recreation-based community involvement and leadership

An application is required by April 15

Recreation and Leisure Studies Founders Entrance Scholarship Recreation and Leisure Studies One or more scholarships, valued at up to $1,000 each
  • Academic performance
  • Recreation-based community involvement and leadership

An application is required by April 15

Ronald George, Florence Elizabeth and Ronald Thomas Bolce Scholarship All Health programs One scholarship, valued at up to $3,000
  • Academic performance (minimum 85% admission average)
  • Recreation-based community involvement and leadership

An application is required by April 15

Other entrance scholarships All Health programs $500
  • Early May admission average of 80% to 84.9%.

An application is not required.

Faculty of Mathematics, including Computer Science


  • Business Administration (Laurier) and Computer Science (Waterloo)
  • Business Administration (Laurier) and Mathematics (Waterloo)
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics (which includes 14 Math majors)
  • Mathematics/Business Administration
  • Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy
  • Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management
Scholarship Eligible programs Value Criteria
Various entrance scholarships All Math programs (excluding Computing and Financial Management and Software Engineering)
  • Several at $10,000 over eight academic terms (normally the length of your degree)
  • Several at $1,000 to $5,000 for one year

An application is not required.

National and Global Scholarships All Math programs (excluding Computing and Financial Management and Software Engineering) Up to 30 awards at $10,000 to $50,000 over eight academic terms (normally the length of your degree)
  • Distinguished academic performance
  • Distinguished results from Mathematics or Computer Science competitions from previous years
  • Participation in mathematics or computer science beyond standard course requirements, including mathematics or computer science clubs, enriched mathematics studies, employment or volunteer experience, or hobbies

An application is required by February 14, 2025.

CIBC National Scholarship Computer Science Co-op, Mathematics/ Business Administration $25,000 over eight academic terms (normally the length of your degree)
  • Same criteria as for National and Global Scholarships
  • Must be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada

An application is required by February 14, 2025.

Note: For more information visit the Mathematics Scholarships website.

Faculty of Science

Programs: Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Environmental Sciences, Science and Business, Honours Science, and majors within Life Sciences and Physical Sciences.

The scholarships are available to students entering first year of full-time undergraduate studies in the Faculty of Science.

Scholarship Eligible programs Value Criteria
Faculty of Science Entrance Scholarships All programs (excluding Aviation, Pharmacy, and Optometry) $500 - $2,000 each for one year

Early May admission average as follows.

  • 95%+ = $2,000
  • 90-94.9% = $1,500
  • 85-89.9% = $1,000
  • 80-84.9% = $500

These scholarships are in addition to the President’s Scholarship of Distinction, President’s Scholarship, or Merit Scholarship, as applicable based on admission average.

An application is not required.

Faculty of Science Contest Award All programs (excluding Aviation, Pharmacy, and Optometry) $1,000

Available to high school students completing of one of the following Waterloo contests in 2025: Sir Isaac Newton Contest, CHEM13 Contest, or the Euclid math contest. Participation must be co-ordinated through your school.

Eligible students may receive one contest award only.

An application is required. Admitted students will be provided with details about applying when they receive an offer of admission.

Science SHSM Entrance Award All programs (excluding Aviation, Pharmacy, and Optometry) $1,000

Available to students completing any Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) at an Ontario high school. No application is required.

Faculty of Science International Student Scholarships All programs (excluding Aviation, Pharmacy, and Optometry)

$25,000 to $80,000

An application is required. Available to international fee-paying students only. Application deadline is February 14, 2025.
Various All programs (excluding Aviation, Pharmacy, and Optometry) Several at $1,000 - $10,000 for one year Academic performance

An application is not required.

  Aviation, Optometry, Pharmacy Entrance scholarships are not available.

Computing and Financial Management

Value Criteria
Several at $3,000 - $4,000 for one year

Academic performance

An application is not required.

Renison University College

Entrance scholarships

If you receive an offer of admission to Honours Arts, Honours Arts and Business, or Social Development Studies, you can choose Renison University College as your academic home base by co-registering. You would then be eligible for the following scholarships.

Scholarship Value Criteria
Renison President’s Scholarship of Distinction $2,000 Students with an admission of average of 95% or higher. The two highest achieving students will receive an additional $2,000 (President's Scholarship for Excellence).
Renison President's Scholarship $2,000 Students with an admission average of 90% - 94.9%.
Renison Merit Scholarship $1,000 Students with an admission average of 85% - 89.9%.

An application is not required for these scholarships. For more information, visit the Renison University College scholarships website.

Social Development Studies Equity and Diversity Entrance Scholarship

Availability: Two scholarships valued at up to $6,000 ($3,000 in first year and $1,000 in second, third, and fourth year).

While studying Social Development Studies (SDS) at Renison University College, students explore how human interactions are influenced by individual, collective, and structural forces including mental health, social relationships, economic conditions, education and politics, and movements for social justice and social change. The common aim of those who study SDS is to help people, communities, and nations flourish. Renison values diversity and equity and has designed this scholarship to address historical and contemporary injustices that have created barriers to higher education for members of marginalized groups (with priority going to self-identified Indigenous students; Black students; students of colour; LGBTQ+, queer, trans*, and/or Two-Spirit students; and students with disabilities).

An application is required for this scholarship. For more information, visit the Renison University College scholarships website.

Town and Gown Society Entrance Scholarships

Two scholarships valued at $1,000 each are available to students starting in September. These awards are offered by the Renison Town and Gown Society, a network of active and involved women from the local community, to encourage transfer students embarking upon their degrees in Social Development Studies.

An application is required for this scholarship. For more information, visit the Renison University College scholarships website.

St. Jerome's University

If you receive an offer of admission to Honours Arts or Honours Arts and Business, you can choose St. Jerome's University as your academic home base by co-registering.

Scholarship Eligible programs Value Criteria
Board of Governor's Scholarship

Honours Arts

Honours Arts and Business

- $3,000 in first year

- $2,000 available in upper years

Academic performance

An application is not required.

President's Scholarship of Distinction

Honours Arts

Honours Arts and Business

- $2,000 Entrance Scholarship;

-$1,500 International Experience Award and/or;

- $1,500 Research Award

Open to students admitted to full-time first-year degree studies at St. Jerome’s University, who are beginning post-secondary studies for the first time.

Early May admission average of 95%+

View the President's Scholarship section for complete eligibility details.

An application is not required.

President's Scholarship

Honours Arts

Honours Arts and Business


Open to students admitted to full-time first-year degree studies at St. Jerome’s University, who are beginning post-secondary studies for the first time.

Early May admission average of 90%+

Entrance scholarships

Honours Arts

Honours Arts and Business

$1,000 For students with averages between 85% and 89.9%.

An application is not required.

Founder's Scholarship

Honours Arts

Honours Arts and Business


One student each from selected Catholic schools in Brantford, Cambridge, Kitchener-Waterloo, and North Bay. This may be awarded in addition to a St. Jerome's entrance scholarship.

Academic performance

An application is not required.

Application-based awards All Waterloo programs $1,000 - $2,500 Awarded to one or more students who demonstrate academic achievement and/or financial need and who are co-registered at St. Jerome's University (SJU), living in the SJU residence, or have another connection to the SJU community.

Note: For more information and conditions, visit the St. Jerome’s University scholarships website.

Additional scholarships (application required)

International students (up to $80,000)

All international (visa) students

There are designated scholarships specifically for international students.

Students applying to Math and Science programs

The faculties of Mathematics (which includes Computer Science) and Science offer scholarships of up to $80,000 for international students.

Students from mainland China and Hong Kong (all programs)

Black students

There are specific scholarships up to $40,000 for students of African, African American, Afro-Latine, Black Canadian, Caribbean, or other African descent.

Black students (up to $40,000)

If you're of African, African American, Afro-Latine, Black Canadian, Caribbean, or other African descent, you can use one application to apply for multiple scholarships valued at up to $40,000.

Application deadline: April 15

Schulich Leader Scholarships in engineering, math, and science (up to $120,000)

Up to 100 scholarships are awarded annually across 20 partner universities in Canada.


  • For students admitted to programs in science, technology, engineering, and math who intend to pursue a career in technology, engineering, entrepreneurship/business enterprise, and/or applied scientific research.
  • Recipients must be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada.
  • Must have academic excellence and be entrepreneurial-minded (exhibiting leadership, charisma, and creativity).
  • Financial need may also be considered.

How to apply

You must be nominated by your high school or CÉGEP by January 29, 2025. Visit the Schulich Leader Scholarships website for details.

Indigenous students (up to $40,000)

Students from Waterloo region

  • Deer Ridge Entrance Award (for students from Waterloo Region, based on academic performance, financial need, and community involvement)
  • Joyce Scholars Award (for students who face financial barriers and have demonstrated the ability overcome obstacles and adversity, preference to students from Waterloo Region)

Contributions to Serbian culture

Be sure to check out all entrance scholarships which require an application. There may be some you qualify for – and who doesn't appreciate free money!

Bursaries for students in financial need

A bursary is awarded based on financial need rather than on academic achievement. Students who are Ontario residents with financial need and who are starting university or college for the first time can apply for a Waterloo entrance bursary.

Earn while you learn

If you're in a co-op program, you'll earn money during each of your four to six co-op terms to help pay for school. Students earn $9,600-$22,500 per four-month work term.

  • Waterloo students typically have smaller student loans and are more successful at paying them back.
  • Use your co-op terms to try different careers. See what you're good at and what you love to do.

Ready to learn more?